
03 January 2022

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Íllora’s Castle is an Arabic strength that was begun to construct, according to the chronological realized studies, during the period califal (s. IX-X) and it used as defensive bastion during the Reconquest opposite to Castile inside the frontier system. His special strategic situation, from which there is spied the whole From Granada fertile plaine and his continuous connection by the Castles of Moclín and Montefrío across the network of defensive towers, they led him to being considered to be the right eye of Granada.

It is organized in three enclosures to different level: the villa, the fort and the suburb. The villa, where the housings were placing, is characterized by the door of entry, which foundations are of epoch califal and it will suffer continuous modifications, happening of being of a simple arch of horse-shoe pointed at the current door in bend of epoch nazarí. The second enclosure, the fort, which supports a strong military character, is in the highest zone of the enclosure. It has irregular plant and is defended by six towers. Finally, the suburb, with almost triangular plant and placed in the zone southwest, is defended by two semicircular and massive towers.



Íllora’s Castle, was a witness of important ploys of the court of the moment, for example, it was between his walls where the nobles Abencerrajes nominated a sultan Abú Hassan Alí. Later, these nobles were murdered in the Alhambra, in the room later named of the Abencerrajes, which spouts of water were flowing with the blood of the committed crimes, leaving the fingerprint forever in his soils, which since then are of reddish color.



The woman that we should undoubtedly highlight in this place would be Elizabeth I, the Catholic Queen. A figure without whom we could not understand the beginning of the Modern Age, since together with Fernando de Aragón, they carried out the attack that turned our town into another part of the kingdom of Castile, implanting a new era, both political and religious.


Audiovisual Guide of the Municipality of Íllora

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Turismo Educa Íllora
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