
03 January 2022

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Gonzalo Fernandez of Cordoba (1453 – 1515), called Great Captain, will happen to be some of the illustrious prominent figures of our villa in the moment in which it turns into the first Warden after the capture of the zone by the Catholics Kings into 1486. Íllora’s brilliant conquest, for the important strategic situation that this square was possessing, led by D. Gonzalo Fernandez, cost him this title come from hands of the own King Fernando. Until 1491 Gonzalo remained under the order of the Kings intervening in the Reconquest, while his wife was living in Íllora’s site. After these years, the marriage goes out of Íllora and they move to Granada.

According to the tradition, the Palace of the Great captain was opposite to the principal entry of the Castle, and of his front page only there remain two columns of the floor. The situation of this front page, inside the housing before which we are, makes us think that his shield, of a great simplicity, could belong to one of the attached buildings to the palace, as dependences for servants or cavalries.



We must highlight the figure of Doña María Luisa de Manrique, wife of the Great Captain who, upon arrival in Íllora, was in charge of luxuriously adorning the fortress incorporating tapestries and trousseau, in addition, she created a cultural center where guests from the area and also from the neighbor would come. Granada city. Gonzalo’s constant march to the Granada War Campaigns (1482-1492) left María in front of the house where she demonstrated her social and political involvement; As manifested in her swift intervention after the fire of Santa Fe in 1491.

These qualities increased after her husband’s departure for Italy, she became a woman of great influence in a world ruled by men.


Audiovisual Guide of the Municipality of Íllora

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