Turismo Educa Íllora

The AMPA PARAPANDA, with funding from the Granada Provincial Council and the collaboration of the CEIP Gran Capitán and the Íllora City Council, promotes an educational tourism project where,

through a multilingual audio guide system and QR codes, it will be possible to learn about the history of the main places and monuments of the municipality of Íllora in the voices of the students of the schools.



Roman terms

In the municipality of Íllora, more than a hundred sites from Roman times have been found and, among them, after carrying out an emergency archaeological excavation in house number 12 on Ayllonas street, remains of a Roman thermal complex have been unearthed . This finding provides evidence of the Roman origin of this population. The [...]

Store of Wheat

This building, which nowadays shelters the dependences of the Municipal Museum, was constructed as store of wheat during the first half of the 18th century. Initially (The XVIth), the stores of wheat had as basic aim achieve that the shortage of the bread was disappearing and that his price was below that of other nearby populations, but at [...]

The Convent of San Pedro de Alcántara

RELIGIOUS BUILDING, HOUSE OF CHARITY AND THE FIRST EDUCATIONAL CENTER OF ÍLLORA The building in which we are, that at present it shelters the dependences of Íllora's Town hall, belongs to the former church of the Convent of San's Pedro Order of Alcántara. According to the Geographical Statistical Dictionary of 1850, the license for his foundation was [...]

The Great Capitain’s House

Gonzalo Fernandez of Cordoba (1453 - 1515), called Great Captain, will happen to be some of the illustrious prominent figures of our villa in the moment in which it turns into the first Warden after the capture of the zone by the Catholics Kings into 1486. Íllora's brilliant conquest, for the important strategic situation that this square was [...]

Hermitage of Holy Ana

The hermitage of Holy Ana was placed to the suburbs of the village. His construction, probably it arose from the popular initiative, was effected during the first third of the 16th century. Besides the construction of the hermitage, there was carried out in a parallel way, the building of the housing of the hermit or "santero" that was [...]

Church of the Encarnacion

The Church of the Encarnación was started constructing in 1541, with the works of the major chapel and the tower under Diego de Siloé's supervision, on a lot that was probably occupied by a mosque first and by a Mudejar church later. During the XVIIth and XVIIIth century there are constructed the vaults of the ship and the [...]


Audiovisual Guide of the Municipality of Íllora

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